Tess Mroczka offers travel training for those who are local to the Richmond Area. This includes backing a horse, groundwork, working with problem horses, training rides and lessons. Below are prices for traveling within a 15 minute radius from Diamond Ridge Stables. If you are further away, pricing may vary.

Please reach out via the Contacts Page to get started and create a training program for you and your horse!

Training Ride – $40

Training rides are for those whose horse needs extra discipline or exercise than what the owner can provide. Training rides are carried out by Tess Mroczka. Each training ride provides 25-30 minutes of in-saddle training.

Backing, Groundwork, Problem Horses, Desensitizing – $50

This category is for horses who need to be backed, trained further, unruly on the ground, need groundwork, etc. Tess will come to your farm and work with the horse for a minimum of 30 minutes. There is no cap for how long she is there - it depends on the horse, but price stays the same.

Tess works with any age horse and uses natural horsemanship as a foundation for her training. Her goal is to get the horse to respect the handler as much as the handler respects the horse. There is no time frame when working with young or problem horses - the horse will let you know when they are ready.

Private Lessons – $55

Private lessons are half an hour and are for beginner to advanced riders. They offer the rider a chance to focus on specific goals and to get a more intense ride in. Travel for lessons is very limited.